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Post-vintage Tanks & Decals

What's The Difference?

by Alan Buehner

Originally printed in the 2004 issue #25 of Still….Keeping Track

Since many of our member are expanding their vintage racing into "post vintage" and are looking for and restoring 1976 thru 1981 KTM built bikes, I am listing some photos of these bikes showing the style of gas tanks and what decals were used on them.

1976 MC-5

The fiberglas gas tanks were painted orange and came in one size that held 1.8 gallons.

1977 GS-6

The fiberglas gas tanks were painted orange.. The 1977 models used a redesigned tank to fit the all new frame with the massive hi-breather backbone. It's tank is curved in the back by the seat which distinguishes it from the MC-5 tanks. The 125's & 175"s came with smaller 1.8 gallon tanks and used the same decals as the MC-5.

1977 MC-5

Fiberglas tanks were standard equipment and painted orange. They look the same as the GS-6 tanks except the tank is flat in the back by the seat and has a short extension sticking out. Fuel capacity is 1.8 gallons.

1978 MC-5 & GS-6

This was the last year for fiberglas tanks and they were painted white and redesigned. to fit the new 1978 MC-5 frame. The GS-6 tanks are curved in the back by the seat and the MC-5 tanks are flat.

1979 MC-80 & GS-80

The plastic gas tanks were white. The moto cross bikes and 125 & 175 enduro bikes came with 1.8 gallon tanks. The 250,400, and 420 enduro bikes came with 3 gallon tanks.

1980 MC & GS

The plastic gas tanks were white and redesigned with a distinctive hump at the gas cap. They came in 2 sizes, 8.3 and 10.3 liter capacities.

1981 MC & GS

The plastic gas tanks were white. They came in 3 sizes, 7.3, 8.3, and 10.3 liters. They are identical to the 1980 tanks except the 7.3 & 10.3 liter tanks used screw-on KTM plastic plates. The 8.3 liter tank used the KTM decal.
